ni 6 años de nacional buenos aires ni 7 de filosofía y letras lograron pulirme...ayer morí al poder ver al diego y a susy together...un toque de vergüenza ajena, pero qué grosos, dios, qué grosos....
2 comentarios:
Tom Green Has A Blog Celebrity blogs usually suck. They are often self-promotion machines that are likely ghost-written to begin with, though it's unlikely you'd find many that are updated all that often. A truly top blog and my congratulations! I’m adding it to my bookmark!
If you’d like to check this out I believe you’d also find this online catalog shopping an interesting site/blog. It’s considered one of the most successful business tools in online catalog shopping today and used by many large companies to substantially improve sales and profits!
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¿Usted también fue al colegio? Yo ni siquiera pasé del pre-pulido. Amagué con Letras, después me pasé a Filo y arrugué después de dejar colgados 4 finales. Y me perdí el rendez-vous Diego/Su, pero el primer programa me lo vi entero. ¿Cómo no verlo?
2 comentarios:
Tom Green Has A Blog
Celebrity blogs usually suck. They are often self-promotion machines that are likely ghost-written to begin with, though it's unlikely you'd find many that are updated all that often.
A truly top blog and my congratulations! I’m adding it to my bookmark!
If you’d like to check this out I believe you’d also find this online catalog shopping an interesting site/blog. It’s considered one of the most successful business tools in online catalog shopping today and used by many large companies to substantially improve sales and profits!
Check it out now,I believe you too will be a mite surprised to find it’s many features,more than useful-thank you:-)
¿Usted también fue al colegio? Yo ni siquiera pasé del pre-pulido. Amagué con Letras, después me pasé a Filo y arrugué después de dejar colgados 4 finales. Y me perdí el rendez-vous Diego/Su, pero el primer programa me lo vi entero. ¿Cómo no verlo?
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